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Concert GOODBYE TO GRAVITY la Ploiesti

Concert GOODBYE TO GRAVITY la Ploiesti
Bucurestenii de la Goodbye To Gravity vor concerta sambata, 18 februarie, incepand cu ora 21:00 in Clubul Bikers din Ploiesti. In deschidere vor canta ploiestenii de la Void. Intrarea 10 lei.

O filmare live cu Goodbye To Gravity la Arenele Romane poate fi urmarita mai jos:

Filmari de la inregistrarile albumului de debut Goodbye To Gravity pot fi urmarite aici:

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MAI MULTE DESPRE Goodbye to Gravity
Posted by Dragos P., at 21:53 |  February 14, 2012  | 0 Comentarii  | 1616 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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