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ANNIHILATOR: compilatie disponibila gratuit pentru download

ANNIHILATOR: compilatie disponibila gratuit pentru download
Casa de discuri britanica Earache Records a facut disponibila online pentru download gratuit compilatia Total Annihilation semnata de formatia canadiana de thrash metal Annihilator. Pe acest material au fost incluse piese ce figureaza pe albumele Annihilator (2010) - 1,2, Carnival Diablos (2001) - 3,4, Criteria for a Black Widow (1999) - 5,6, Waking the Fury (2002) - 7,8, King of the Kill (1994) - 9,10, Refresh the Demon (1996) - 11,12 si Remains (1996) - 13,14.

Titlurile pieselor ce figureaza pe compilatia Total Annihilation sunt urmatoarele:

01. The Trend
02. Ambush
03. Battered
04. Carnival Diablos
05. Back to the Palace
06. Nothing Left
07. Ultra-Motion
08. Ritual
09. King of the Kill
10. Second to None
11. Ultraparanoia
12. Refresh the Demon
13. Tricks and Traps
14. Never Forget

Cel mai recent album de studio semnat de formatie poarta numele Annihilator si a fost lansat in data de 17 mai 2010 prin intermediul casei de discuri Earache Records.

Posted by H., at 00:03 |  September 23, 2010  | 0 Comentarii  | 3311 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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